Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Five Greatest Unmissable London Tourist Attractions

London is one of the good capital cities of the globe and if you are going to check out it there are 5 good London tourist attractions that you simply can not afford to miss.

1. Number one particular on any tourists list has to be Buckingham Palace. Situated at the finish of the world renowned "Mall", Buckingham Palace is the official residency of The Queen (Queen Elizabeth) and is possibly one particular of the most simply recognizable buildings in the world. A "ought to see" occasion for any tourist to take in is the ceremony of "The Altering of the Guard" which takes location at 11:30AM just about every day in the summer months, and each other day in the rest of the year. It really is a amazing sight, full of the popular British pomp and ceremony. Make certain you don't miss it.

two. The second special London tourist attraction is the Tower of London. Standing guard more than the river Thames, the Tower of London was built more than 1000 years ago by William the Conqueror. It has been a royal palace and a prison, and it was here that Queen Anne Boleyn (one particular of the wives of Henry VIII) was beheaded. It is also infamous for being the spot of imprisonment for King Richard II, and Queen Elizabeth I, and it was also here that the "Two Princes" had been incarcerated, never to be noticed once again. It is also the spot that witnessed the interrogation of Guy Fawkes, whose failed gunpowder plot to blow up the houses of Parliament is still commemorated right now on the 5th of November, a night of Fireworks and Bonfires recognized as Bonfire Night. On a less gloomy note, The Tower houses the incomparable "Crown Jewels" one particular of the most renowned jewelry collections in the world, worn on occasion by Queen Elizabeth II at varied state functions. The Tower's other claims to fame are the well-known Beefeaters in their unique finery and regalia, and the Ravens of which it mentioned that if they ever desert the Tower, London will fall.

three. The third London tourist attraction that just has to be noticed is Tower Bridge. Situated next to the Tower of London, it strands the river Thames and is a amazing piece of architecture and a brilliant piece of Victorian engineering. Built as the second crossing over the Thames (London Bridge was the original crossing), it is a Bascule bridge which implies it can be raised (and nonetheless is today) to enable ships to pass underneath.

four. The fourth important London tourist attraction is Maritime Greenwich which is sited amid stunning grounds on the banks of the river Thames. This is a globe heritage site and houses the Royal Observatory. It is the home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and sits on the Meridian longitude line .

5. Finally, our fifth not to be missed London tourist attraction is of course The Houses of Parliament. As soon as again, situated on the banks of the Thames, it is a masterpiece of architectural design and has 1 of the easiest recognized visages anyplace in the globe. It is exactly where British Government enacts its workings and is also home to the well-known Huge Ben, the giant clock whose chimes are affectionately know the world more than.


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